Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Get Well Soon Makcik


Haha day 2 of my elective posting, and I already called mak, telling her that I wanna go back to Ulu Jelebu this Friday.. Lulss.

So, today I just wanna share bits of experience that I got throughout the first 2 days. InsyaAllah, will try to share for the rest of rotation as well.

Haha tak syok gila nak tulis dalam BI, tulis dalam BM, sedap sikit nak cerita, kehkeh.

So, hari first, I met my supervisor, he is one of the doctors that actually previously did endoscopy to my ayah.. Then, I told him "my ayah is Ishak Ismail, in case if you still remember the big guy one". Then dia buat gaya fikir fikir, "Oh is he the one from Negeri Sembilan,"..I nodded. "Oh he is the one that hard to find the line, isnt't?" I nodded again. Haha memang dia ingatlah ayah aku.. Aku pun pernah jumpa dia jugak previously masa ayah aku ada buat check up endoscopy, he is such a very humble doctor. Ok, so aku gelarkan sebagai Dr Humble.

So, dia introduce kat team gastro, sebab the rest of my friends semua nak general medicine, so I'm being "loner" concept, aku pun pilih lah join team gastro sebab so far before buat elektif memang kenal la doktor doktor team gastro yang pernah jumpa ayah aku masa kat hospital. So fefeeling excited.

First day, tengok buat liver biopsy kat bedside. Patient tu ada hepatomegaly, tak tahu causes dia sebab dia free from hepatitis, AFP normal, LFT is fine, so sebab tu buat liver biopsy.

Next, ambik history seorang makcik berusia 50 tahun. Ini epik! Sebab ini pertama kali ambik history dalam bahasa melayuuuu, rasa macam awkward sangat nak setting kepala pilih perkataan yang santai masa ambik history.. Makcik ni datang hospital with the chief complaints of yellowish eye for the past 2 weeks, accompanied with fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, weight loss, tea coloured urine, no pruritus, no abdominal pain, no fever, no change in bowel habit. Dia kata, doktor kata, causes dia due to she previously took ubat traditional from company yang teragak famous jugak la, then start dia perasan mata dia kuning... 

So people, ingat, herba tak semestinya baik untuk kita! Case ayah aku muntah darah few year back after taking the famous ubat during that time - tonik hati kapsul.. Sebab tu aku kalo orang kata ambik supplemen herba ke, Im being cynical about that.

But the best part at the end of the conversation, I told that makcik, "Semoga cepat sembuh ye makcik," haha meltsss dalam hati sendiri sebab rasa awww maniss. Sebab kat ireland, biasa cakap, get well soon, cam tak sefeeling cakap bahasa sendiri, mihihi. POYO. Harapnya nanti, bila dah jadi doktor betul2, busy macamana pon, boleh berkata manis dengan patients..

And then kenal houseman yang sebaya, she was a UM graduate. Dah setahun dia jadi houseman... Advance sangat.. Sebab masa tu tanya dia, nak panggil Dr sekian sekian ke, pastu dia kata takyah, panggil nama dia je, tup tup sebaya.. Coolio.. So sort of macam pembakar semangat la, kalau orang yang umur sebaya survive je medic, kenapa bukan kita? 

Hari ni pulak day 2. Duk kat klinik perubatan with Dr Humble and dengan student UM sorang.. Seronok gak in between tunggu next patient, sembang pasal medschool UM ni... Lepak je haha boleh sembang dengar Dr Humble sekali pasal sistem baru medschool UM, pasal HO banyak sebab banyak private medschool etc semua... Sempat juga Dr Humble tanya soalan masa klinik. 

Pasal klinik hari ni, ada satu pakcik yang la yang sangat menyentuh hati. Sorang pakcik ni removed his lower left lobe sebab cancer dia 2b. And complication from that, dia macam ada hole somewhere below his trachea. And he also had some cancer kat right lobe 3b... The problem is, to proceed the next surgery, will be kind of high risk juga... And pakcik tu cakap, "kalau mati, sekali je kan doc?" And Dr Humble cakap, "jangan cakap macam tu pakcik...,"... Hoho sedih pulak, nasib baik aku tak touching kat situ macamana aku touching masa palliative care rotation aku.

Tapi tu lah, aku memang tekad la nak kerja kat Malaysia, walaupun baru dua hari, rasa lebih seronok dengan orang Malaysia sendiri.. 

Sekian, wassalam...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPenyayang

1 comment:

Ateey said...

wah besnye bace blog kau. aku pon start elektif esok..nnt aky nk try tulis cam kau gak la..so many reflection..aku xpenah tulis reflective bes ccani haha. emmm aku buat kt hkl aku rase mst tade org nk lyn aku xpxp