Sunday, September 26, 2010

Pemikiran Lovey-Dovey

Salam. Morning. Kesian mata aku. Tak cukup rehat. Malam tadi merayau di alam maya. And also texting-texting. One of the person yang aku selalu texting, of course with obese girl.

Per?ade cer baru ke?

Haha.cer br? Busy gler! W0rst! K0?
ko busy per *****?busy bercinte ke hape?haha.takde cer.esok pagi nak kuar g tg malim nk makan kfc.haha.

Kalo nk taw ak busy pe,bukak bl0g ak.damn.byk gler keje n exam plak tu n kuliah at da same time.haha.l0st gler.
aha.dah bace suda.ceh.**** **** ***** blog ko yer.aha.jeles 3saat.takpelah *****.amek je lah die.die ****** la.hakhak.

Haha..btol,ain?ak bley amek dy? Haha. (Ntah2,kite due lngsg2 x dpt dy).ak p0n da lame sgt citer ****.br je dgr cite dy.
btol ***.ameklah die.haha.lately,aku xde hormon angau2 la.why why?even hari tu raye umah **** pun mcm feelingless je sdgkan b4 ni kalo jumpe,aku mesti angau.

Eceh..feelingless ha.ak? Undefined. Cnnt predict. Bainch.ak p0n xtaw.ske hanya l0ve s0me0ne is hard b'c0z u hv 2 gain s0me trust.0h,damn. Susa nk ske org.
sng la suke org when dat some1 fulfill ur criteria.yg susa if to choose that some1 as ur whole-life dr philosophy plak.urm,maybe aku da matang sket kot.takde pemikiran remaja lovey-dovey anymore.haha.

Pemikiran remaja lovey-dovey? Entah. Aku rasa, most of the teenagers outside there, memang suka dengan berkait dengan cintan-cinton ni, berpakwe dan bermakwe. For example yesterday, aku pergi makan kat cafe, and one of my friends cakap, oh sweetnya couple tuu. At that time, aku pikir, sweet? Biasa je.

Dulu, maybe aku ada that kind of thinking such as, oh sweetnya mereka, baiknya boyfren dia bagi hadiah, and others 'romantic thingy'. But now, aku rasa, yeww. Poyonya. Haha. Bukan bermakna aku jeles, tapi memang aku rasa ianya sangat poyo, okey.

Another things pasal coupling-coupling is about texting all the time and calling-calling. Perlu ke texting sepanjang masa to tell whatcha doing now? Dah makan ke belum? Dah mandi ke belum? Tengah buat apa tuh? Gudnite honey bunny. For me, that kind of texting is so lame. And their relationship are lame too.

Aku cakap camtu because, I believe that, a relationship tak bermakna you have to text or call your partner everyday and so many times in a day. Wowo. Suddenly aku terpikir, sesebuah relationship itu, apa tujuannya? For fun, to fill up your teenagers time? Carik pengalaman bercinta? Oh saja habiskan masa dan duit? Think.

"Ala ain, kau takde pakwe, memang lah pikir macam tu,"

Helo. This is not about ade pakwe or not. Ini cuma pemikiran waras aku yang berkata bahawa relationship based on texting, calling, meeting everyday tak ke mana. And also kinda of boring things, i guess.

" Nanti macam mana nak kawen if you dont hv any special relationship with anybody?"

Jodoh tak ke mana. But still kena usha, ops, i mean usaha. Hehe. I dont have any idea about this until aku dah gapai cita-cita nak jadi doktor. Just pray that Allah temukan dengan insan yang soleh. Amin. You you, aminkan cepat.

Alright, that's all. Thanks for reading. Salam.


Yasmin Yahaya said...

ahax~ i seems to know who's da person u're talking to~ mmgla.. feelingless bile x jumpe mr' right. nanti bile da jumpe.... hahaha..u'll know.. lame lg la kot.. :D

Norain Ishak said...

min, wowo.who's that person ha?or are you willing to admit that you are that obes girl?haha.yeah.mmg lama.lama sampai aku pergi kenduri kawen kau dulu.