Assalamualaikum wrt wbt.
Alhamdulillah, minggu lepas dah pun menghadiri temuduga SPA bagi jawatan pegawai perubatan UD41 ataupun dalam laymen term nya, interview untuk masuk Housemanship Training. Saya dah share pon soalan yang saya dapat menerusi IG dan Facebook saya. Tetapi untuk blog ni, sajalah nak share dengan jawapan sekali. Haha. Tapi ini jawapan individual lah, tak semestinya betul, dan tak semestinya memenuhi kehendak interviewers. Okay?
Dalam emel panggilan temuduga, waktu saya sepatutnya jam 10 pagi. Tapi sajalah datang awal ke Wisma Negeri di Seremban kira-kira jam 8.40 pagi macam tu. Ingat dah cukup awal, sebaik sahaja saya mendaftar, saya merupakan calon yang ke-11 untuk ditemuduga. Alhamdulillah, sebab interview ni secara individu, hehe. Sebab kalau secara berkumpulan, kang nanti rasa peer pressure pulak kalau tetiba macam tak boleh nak jawab soalan interviewer.
In term of pakaian, yang calon lelaki macam biasa lah baju kemeja berblazer. Untuk calon wanita, semua pakai baju kurung, even yang berbangsa Cina. Saya pulak pakai blazer sekali. Tapi ada jugak yang tak pakai blazer. Jadi, terpulanglah kot rasanya.
Terdapat dua orang interviewers semalam. Seorang Dato’ mewakili SPA, dan seorang lagi a young-looking Chinese doctor mewakili KKM. Semasa proses temuduga, both of them take turn untuk tanya soalan kepada saya.
Buzzer dibunyikan, tanda turn saya untuk melangkah masuk ke dalam bilik temuduga. So, jangan main rempuh je pintu, ketuk dulu, okay. Selepas menyerahkan fail dokumen dan resume, Dato tu pun jemput saya untuk have a sit. So, once dah masuk bilik temuduga ni, jadilah sesopan santun yang boleh. And you will naturally feel calm sebab my mindset, before masuk bilik, I told myself, okay this is going to be like a normal chit chat yang I have to be myself and professional at the same time.
Sementara doctor KKM tu semak file, Dato tu pulak screening through my resume, sampai kat part ‘interest’ dalam resume tu beliau kata, ‘Oh you like blogging,”. And I feel LOL-ed. Tak tahu la nak gelak ke nak sengih kambing je haha. Dato tu senyum je hehe. But, hey I’m just being honest in my resume. I have been blogging since 2009 kot.
Sampai kat part Education, Dato Said, “Oh you were from the sama university as Latifah isn’t it? Oh she must already share the questions she have got,” Haha ni lagi la kelakar sebab Dato ni serius santai gila, so I replied, “Yes, we have been studying together since we did our A-Level and the fly to Ireland together and we were housemate for five years over there, so of couse she already share the questions to me hehe”. Memang laa Dato tu perasan, sebab Tipah turn ke 10, saya pulak turn ke 11, elok pulak back to back from same uni pulak tu.
And the Dato turned to the next page of resume, nasib baik lah dia takde tanya anything regarding my extra-curricular. After beliau dah scan through semua, and then he asked me,
“So why you want to be a doctor?”
Soalan macam ni memang kena expect lah, dah kita pun memang pergi temuduga untuk kerja kat hospital kan. Honestly, I didn’t prepare much about the script to answer this kind of question. Ye laa sebab ada orang lain maybe lah jawapan dia power power. The jawapan I gave to him, as merely the same jawapan I gave during my interview for Ireland uni zaman KYUEM dulu. Cumanya bila dah habis medschool ni, modify la jawapan tu.
Yang kelakarnya, my reaction bila Dato tanya soalan ni, terkeluar kat mulut, “Why I want to be a doctor?”. Lol. So my answer: I have decided to be a doctor when my father has frequent admissions to PPUM back in 2009 because he has problem with his gallbladder, gallstones, liver and stomach at that time. At that time, looking at those doctors wearing white coat, I found they were like cool people, because they can figure out what is wrong with my father and how to treat him. So, then I decided to study medicine so incase in the future anyone I know gotten sick, I know what is wrong with them and how to manage their condition. As time passed by, after 5 years in medical school, my view on becoming a doctor has changed a little bit. Becoming a doctor is not only about the knowledge I’ve got, but also, how to make the patient’s life getting better. As we know, not all diseases can be cured 100 percent, but we can help to manage their condition, so they can live better although they have a disease. And because of this reason, I want to find the satisfaction in my life by making patient feel and live better despite of their disease,”
Okay memang tak gempak pon la jawapan campur grammar berterabur hahah. And then doctor KKM pulak,
“Which specialties you want to specialise?”
Tip and trick untuk soalan specialty, make sure you understand your specialty, sebab the next soalan will depend on your interest. As for me, I replied, I am interested to further my specialty in Family Medicine because I’m interested with many specialty and so by doing Family Medicine I’ve got the chance to know every single bit from each specialty and practise the knowledge as the frontliner in Klinik Kesihatan. And I also would like to build my medical career around my family life as it has a more flexible hours as long as has a better opportunity to educate the community.
Haha and then Dato mencelah, “I thought you want to do O&G like your friend Latifah?”. Lol. Mampu gelak je sambal jawab yeah we are housemates but we have different interest, she likes O&G but I’m not really into O&G.
Okay the truth sebenarnya I want a job kerja from 8 to 5 pm je. And yes I minat la sikit ObsGynae, sikit Paeds, sikit Surgery, sikit Opthal, sikit ENT, so haha I guess this is a perfect specialty choice for me. Tapi doctor KKM tu ada la pesan during break time, as time goes by, its normal you interest will also changed. So tengok lah nanti lagi 5-10 tahun macam mana yer. So disebabkan saya dah jawab Family Medicine, his next question was,
“ Let me give you a scenario in a Klinik Kesihatan, a patient come in with fever and muscle pain, so how do you manage this patient?”
Hahaa so here we go medical kind of question in the interview. Rasa macam jawab simple sangat, tak tahu la memenuhi kriteria beliau ke tak. I replied, “I will take a thorough history, if the patient had any other symptoms such as bla bla bla, and if the patient is stable then I will send the patient home and asked the patient to take paracetamol for fever, increase fluid intake and bed rest,” Haha escapism sangat cakap thorough history. He asked some more,
“ So what is your differentials that you should not miss for the patient?”
Aaa pun macam aaa viral fever, respiratory infections if the patient has cough, dengue or zika if the patient has suspicious rashes aaa… Haha soalan simple pon clueless ke. And then he tried to help by asking,
“ How about if the patient recently went to Ulu Jeram Toi (lol sebab dia tengok my resume from Jelebu haha), what else you should think of?”
Gotchaa, leptospirosis…. So, I guess penting dalam history untuk tanya, recent travel pergi mana mana tempat yang ada wabak infectious disease ni. Then, Dato punya turn pulak tanya.
“Is there any difference in term of healthcare in Malaysia and Ireland?”
Haha as expected lah soalan macam ni. Tapi to be honest, tak tahu laa apa beza nya sangat. Sebab Dato dia mencelah, so I just bagi satu contoh je, yakni waiting time. Saya jawab lah based on my experience accompany my father to OPD in PPUM, the waiting time is much longer than in the hospital I went to in Cork, as they have specific appointment time. And Dato tu dia tambah sebab ratio patient to doctor yang berbeza antara Malaysia and Ireland. Lepas tu doctor KKM pulak.
“What is the current issues that you know now?”
So, memang musim Zika, so better mention pasal Zika la sebab memang dah baca kan. So, cakap laa pasal Zika outbreak July 2015 in Brazil and has spread to over 20 countries and has reached to Malaysia. In Malaysia, at the moment, we already have 6 cases involving siblings, one from Miri and one from Setapak. Zika can be transmitted from mosquitoes bite who are being infected by Zika and also by sexual transmission. The difference between Zika and Dengue is that Zika can be transmitted by sexual transmission and has serious complications such as microcephaly and GBS. Both has merely the same symptoms such as fever, headache, muscle pain, joint pain, rashes and conjunctivitis. We can test Zika by sending blood or urine sample for PCR. (Haha sebenarnya rasa macam dah cakap panjang lebar sampai la doctor KKM tu stop me by asking me next…)
“Tell me two type of aedes,”
Hahaha. I just knew one which Aedes Aegypti. Yang lagi satu tak tahu and tak ingat pulak jawapan dia bagi. Please, search yourself. And then Dato plak dia kata,
“Are you sure it is the Zika from Brazil that has reached to Malaysia or is it that Zika is already in Malaysia, it is just that are not aware of it?”
Haha okay dari sini Dato dah start dah soalan soalan provoke dia hahaha. So ingat mula nak jawab, aaa maybe saya salah. Tapi dalam interview ni ke lah ego sikit haha. Saya pun jawab, “Well, it can be the those who travelling to Brazil and then came back to South east asia, particularly Singapore, and the Malaysians from Singapore who came back to Malaysia cause the outbreak of Zika in Malaysia. And as you mention earlier, it might be already in Malaysia and we don’t notice the case. So, it can be both,”.
Okay, next soalan Dato..
“Given that you are in OPD, with hundreds of patients to see, can you still smile like you are smiling now when you see your 50th patient?”
Hahaha. Okay so saya jawab la, why not. Lol. Sebab to smile, we don’t put so much effort.
And the Dato kata lagi…
“ And let say then your colleague in ortho team ask you to help them during your OPD because they have colleagues on leaves and then you have to come back to OPD, would you still smile then?”
Hadoii.. Yes of course I will. As long as we are ikhlas and love our job, it is not big deal to smile…
“ How do you manage your stress?”
Ini pon kind of expected sebab biasa lah kerja HO nanti pon stress kan. So saya dengan skemanya jawab, in my life, when I feel stress, I will press the pause button. Take a deep breath, calming myself and figure out what is wrong.
“Take a pause button? But you don’t have enough time during you working hours?”
Yes I knew that. It does not mean I need to sleep on the spot like that so, it just the matter of stay calm for a while and try to solve the matters that caused me to stress. Haha actually nak jawab, beli coklat and makan banyak banyak tapi sebab Dato potong cakap saya. Mampu jawab tu je haha.
“How about there is a makcik come to ED so for a very simple reason, and you are so tired, don’t you feel stress ?”
Maybe a little bit but then she is still my patient that I need to attend.. Ok Dato haha bila nak stop tanya soalan camni hahaha.
“But she came repeatedly for the same reason, don’t you feel angry then?”
Well I think that is my responsibility to educate the patient, the fact that she came repeatedly, she may need proper explanation then.
“But she still don’t understand you,,” hahahahah lol.
Actually takde la rasa annoyed, rasa cam kelakar Dato memang gigih tanya. And rasa reflect kat diri, saya bukan bengang dengan makcik ni, tapi saya kena SABAR dengan soalan soalan Dato ni… Lalu terkeluar kat mulut ni jawab…
Again, I think, being a good doctor, it require patience. Ok I’m done and Dato tu pun mengiyakan yeah it is true, doctor needs patience.
Okay ingat Dato dah taknak tanya apa apa. Rupanya tak puas lagi. Next dia tanya,
“So you are the youngest one in the family, how do you manage if you have to work far away?”
So, at first saya jawab lah dah biasa far away sebab study abroad in Ireland, so it wont be a big problem. The Dato provoke lagi kata,
“But you have been far away for five years, and then you have to stay away from you parents for another years again?”
Well, I will always contact them regularly to gain support although just by phone because nowadays we have whatsapp that make communication become easier.
Okay ingat dah habis dah. Tapi sebab Dato tu cakap,
“Oh because you might know questions from your friend just now, let me ask you another question. What do you now about GTP?”
Hehe at first rasa cam, Dato’ nak trick saya ke, saya dah baca tau GTP ni. Hahaha riak.
“GTP stands for Government Transformation Program,” okay tak sempat nak elaborate. Dato dah tanya,
“Can you give me example of program under GTP for the public?”
Klinik 1 Malaysia yang kena bayar RM 1. Dato asked some more, “Who handle K1M?”. Penolong pegawai perubatan. And the he asked what else? UTC and RTC. “UTC stands for what?” Cehceh Dato ingat saya tak tahu ke.. Haha. It stands for Urban Transformation Centre. “And RTC?” Rural Transformation Centre. Dato tambah lagi, “Did you know the strategy in GTP?”…Sebab teringat pernah came across word NBOS. So jawab je laa National Blue Ocean Strategy. And the Dato tu test test pulak Blue ke Red Ocea. Memang la Blue, bendera BN kan, lol. Nasib baik laa Dato tak tanya apa prinsip dalam NBOS hahaha memang clueless. But for sure GTP is to improve taraf hidup rakyat Malaysia.
And then Dato tanya “1 Malaysia slogan,” ni macam tak faham sangat.
Then saya jawab laa it is a slogan by our (beloved) Prime Minister Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak. And the Dato bagi clue,
“1 Malaysia, People First……(sambungkan)” lol lupa laa dalam English apa. And then saya pun coverline, I remember the slogan in Malay language, 1 Malaysia, Rakyat Didahulukan, Pencapaian Diutamakan…sambil sengih sengih jawab lol. And the Dato tu dah puas hati takde apa nak tanya dah.
Then habis. Alhamdulillah.
So, overall, rasa macam okay lah. Terpulang kepada pihak penemuduga nak bagi rank macam mana. Redha and bertawakal je lepas dah mencuba yang terbaik.. Lain LTD, lain negeri maybe lain lah penemuduga nya itu. My last time interview pon like 5 years ago kot, hahah. So, bila pergi interview semalam, rasa cam cuak tu memang lah. Tapi sebab previous calon yang masuk kata interviewer macam sembang sembang je, lega juga mendengarnya. And bila masuk bilik tu pun rasa very welcoming je.
The only tips untuk interview, ialah stay calm. Stay calm ni cakap senang, tapi secara praktikaliti nya bermaksud, rileks kan minda and tell your mind everything will be fine. Haha positive thinking sangat lol.
Okay itu lah ceritanya. Macam dah boleh buat drama Dato Itu Interviewerku. LOL. Overall I did have some fun throughout the interview session with both wakil from SPA and KKM. Both are nice peopleee.
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Kinsale, Ireland (May 2016) |
Ini link google drive soalan interview collected by alexandrians medical grads. I found it useful in term of nak practise jawab. So, sebab revise soalan ni jugak, tu yang ada baca pasal GTP all that stuffs tu. Hee.
Updated on 22/9/2016
My colleague asked for my opinion on how did I prepare for the interview. So, basically kat bawah ni how I prepared.
1. Revise/Scan Medicine Notes, ni scan through topic yang penting je, Impey ObsGynae page belakang, emergency cases in Paeds, Surgery (if you have plenty of time, you may read every single thing then, lol)
2. Revise management emergency medicine cases
3. Revise and cuba jawab soalan interview in the google drive link above
4. List down current health issues and google and make some reading - HFMD, Zika, Dengue, Leptospirosis, TB and scan through page fb KKM
5. Revise resume - so in case interviewer apa apa, ada justification la sebab ingat lagi masa interview ireland dulu, interviewer tanya, which extracurricular activities that you think will make you a good doctor
6. Revise soalan yang expected must know to answer properly - introduce yourself, why you want to be a doctor, your strengths, your weaknesses, how you want to manage stress
Hopefully, boleh guide sikit kalau ada yang tak sure nak mula dari mana.
Sekian, wassalam.
Ps : Mohon doanya penulis dapat masuk kerja awal di hospital idamannya. Ameen :)
2. Revise management emergency medicine cases
3. Revise and cuba jawab soalan interview in the google drive link above
4. List down current health issues and google and make some reading - HFMD, Zika, Dengue, Leptospirosis, TB and scan through page fb KKM
5. Revise resume - so in case interviewer apa apa, ada justification la sebab ingat lagi masa interview ireland dulu, interviewer tanya, which extracurricular activities that you think will make you a good doctor
6. Revise soalan yang expected must know to answer properly - introduce yourself, why you want to be a doctor, your strengths, your weaknesses, how you want to manage stress
Hopefully, boleh guide sikit kalau ada yang tak sure nak mula dari mana.
Sekian, wassalam.
Ps : Mohon doanya penulis dapat masuk kerja awal di hospital idamannya. Ameen :)
Nak tanye, berape jarak hari between dapat email utk interview and the interview?
Emel interview keluar pada 21 Ogos 2016. Tarikh interview saya pula 14 September 2016.
Tapi jarak adalah berbeza beza. Ada je yang kena interview 25 Ogos dan ada jarak 3 hari sahaja. Jadi kalau dah habis medschool, tak salah untuk buat persiapan awal. :)
Blh tanya untuk iv n.9 ada group wassap x untk sharing soalan?
Hi dr. I can’t access your google drive link for the interview question.
Need permission. I’ve requested twice but still unable. Kindly help
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