Lagu tema minggu ni.. Klik play untuk fefeeling sambil baca. Hehs.
Alhamdulillah, minggu ni dah masuk rotation yang ke-4 untuk final year ni. Cepat gila masa berlalu bohh. Rasa macam baru je start final year... Sekarang dah halfway through dahh. Minggu lepas pulak, baru je selesai oral Final Year Project presentation. Alhamdulillah semuanya berjalan lancar. Couldnt thank enough to my super dedicated consultant, Dr Liam O'Connell, yang banyak sangat tolong dari abstract sampai lah presentation ni. Sungguh-sungguh betul dia tolong so that den can present well for my research project.
And new rotation sekarang ialah Surgery rotation. Bila dengar Surgery, memey seriau lahh haha sebab dah boleh imagine kalau dapat surgeon yang intimidating ke apa. But Alhamdulillah, dengan Mr Noel O'Brien kat SI, dia baik je, takde lah sarcasm ke apa. Den ni jenis tak kisah kalau consultant nak tegur apa yang kita jawab tak betul, tapi please jangan nak down kan students.
Hari Sabtu yang lepas, den and my usrahmates den pi main ice skating. and hari Sabtu tu jugak sebenarnya ada MedBall. MedBall ni kalau yang blur, maksudnya macam majlis makan makan grands camtu yang semua orang super duper stunning and gorgeous gituu. Den plan nak pi Ice Skating ni 3 minggu lepas jugak lah, sebab my feeling masa tu, kalau orang lain bergumbira pi MedBall, why not den buat something yang den bergumbira juga hari tu. That's why ajak usrahmates pi Ice Skating instead of pi MedBall.
Cakap pasal MedBall ni, sensitive issues jugak lah. Sebab yang pergi pun, bukan orang lain, kawan-kawan sendiri jugak. So, dalam twitter pun den malas lah nak borak sangat pasal MedBall. Cuma apa den mampu cakap, "Semua dah besar, dah boleh fikir dah,"
Den bukanlah nak jadi rigid as, mana boleh pi MedBall, tapi sebab as I mentioned above, dah besar dah kan...
Cuma isu-isu yang den nak keutarakan...
Den personally, memang tak berminat event event macam ni, tapi hok kalau kenduri kendara, minat lah. So, mungkin I just don't care lah about this MedBall stuffs. But other reason yang den choose not to go sebab majlis ni hidang minuman keras. So macam you know, personally den rasa macam tak sedap je nak pergi. Memey lah bukan kita yang minum pun tapi prevention is better kot kot adalah kawan kawan tempatan yang drank ke apa..
Tapi tu lah, kalau nak style sentap, oh MedBall boleh pergi, member lain puas ajak and promo pi PUISI (majlis ilmu ada makan best juga, lagi best dari makan kat medball) pun takmo pergi, hahaha. Okey itu style sentap lah kan. Hehs. But I won't do that lah. Kot ada yang terasa, ampunkan den heheh.
Tapi again, I am not your mother and do whatever you want...
So, terpulanglah kepada masing-masing. Bertindaklah atas dasar ilmu dan kefahaman agama.
Keluar dari cerita MedBall, den nak masuk cerita pasal anak-anak pulak.
Ambik mood mak mak sikit, hehs. |
Nak mendidik anak anak zaman lah ni, punyalah mencabar kan. Macam macam gejala social nya... Phew.. Minta dijauhkan dari anak anak kita. Tapi the good thing in Malaysia sekarang, banyak parents dah sedar kepentingan proper Islamic education dari kecik. Banyak parents kerja sungguh-sungguh just sebab nak afford private Islamic education camtu.
Den pulak rasa, den ni nanti nak kerja sungguh-sungguh so that my future kids pun dapat proper Islamic education. Ye lah nak harapkan den kalau busy kerja nanti, ke mana entah tapi tak bermakna lah kita serahkan asuhan anak anak totally kat cikgu cikgi, ye dopp. Sebab bak kata orang, hadiah paling bermakna kita boleh bagi kat anak anak kita, carilah mak atau bapak diorang yang soleh/solehah. Gituhaa. Mak and Bapak mesti dua dua kena sama wavelengths about their visions in life. Jadi vision Mak and Bapak mesti jelas, bina keluarga so that keluarga ni semuanya sama sama masuk syurga. Kalau takde vision ni, bekeluarga sekadar bekeluarga je la.
Last but not least, let us not be judgemental atas perbuatan orang lain. Just pesan kat diri, setiap orang pengakhirannya berbeza beza. Maka tentukanlah pengakhiran diri sendiri..
Here are few tips to stop being judgemental quoted from here: ...
1. Consider the saying, “Some saints have a past and many sinners have a future.”
Being a ‘saint’ isn’t guaranteed for any one person for a lifetime. But the path to God’s forgiveness is always open and especially tailored just for the one who makes a mistake and regrets it and seeks to change, even if it’s over and over and over.
2. Think about our sins and shortcomings.
Oh, wait, can’t think of any? If we can’t, we’ve been deceived by Satan and are in an even worse state than any of those whose blatant sins we perceive.
3. Remember the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “No one with the slightest particle of arrogance in his heart will enter Paradise.” (Bukhari)
Sometimes the actions we see others engaged in may be sins, but may not be as serious as the problem of arrogance. In wanting others to act like they’re people of Paradise, let’s be careful not to make ourselves candidates to be barred from it. God protect us.
4. Ask ourselves: Is that person a parent?
If they are and we aren’t, they’re already light-years ahead of our game. If she’s a mom, Paradise is potentially below her feet. If they are a mom or dad, any good they taught their kid and their kid acts upon are rewards going straight back to them. How are we going to compare ourselves to that? If they are and we are, consider: what great work might their progeny do that may be because of one lesson that person taught them?
5. Remind ourselves: We have no idea what another person has gone through or where they’re really coming from.
What they go through cannot quite be compared with the young man or woman who was raised in a supportively religious household, who was a part of a nurturing mosque community, who was put in Islamic school since kindergarten and taken to Qur’an classes everyday. A twenty-year-old hafith (one who has memorized the entire Qur’an by heart) might be impressive and may God bless them and He has raised their status in a special way. But they may not necessarily be closer to God or earning more rewards from God than the struggling servant who has dealt with incredible hardship and is struggling to come back.
Jadi buat temen-temen, kalau ada den buat salah and silap mana-mana, tegur tegur lah, den ni insyaAllah open je nak terima advice ke apa, heee~
Sekian, wassalam.
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