Friday, July 3, 2015

WardRound Mu, WardRound Ku Juga


Semalam berkesempatan ikut ward round dengan dengan supervisor aku. Supervisor kira macam bos lah, pastu ada 3 orang medical officer aka MO and seorang HO. Aku dengan Ima, jalan paling belakang sekali la, hehs. 

So, masa mula mula tu rasa macam, haha boring gila sebab supervisor dengan MO discuss bla bla bla, and kita pun macam... Whatever~ haha. Tapi supervisor aku memang terbaik lah, haha, takdenya bagi aku chance lek lek je. Kalau patient tu ada positive clinical signs, dia suruh examine. Phew. Disebabkan dia tahu nama aku, bukan nama Ima, so sikit sikit, "Norainnn," 

The first patient, dia suruh dengan kat bahagian depan dada.
Supervisor: So, what did you hear over that side?
Me: Erm wheeze?
Supervisor: (sengih) No, it is pleural rub. Go and listen again.
Me: Owh okay *sigh*

The second patient, dia suruh examine the kidney. So, pergi lah kat uncle tu. Palpate left side - erm macam takde rasa ballotable pon. Palpate right side - erm tak tahu ni kidney ballotable ke macamana.

Supervisor: So, what is your findings?
Me: The left kidney is not ballotable, the right side I guess it is ballotable.. *mukacuak*
Supervisor: (dia pun examine kidney) Both kidneys are not ballotable
Me: (maka aku pun berhuhuhuhu)

Moral of this case: Just be confident with your findings, if you think both kidneys are not ballotable, just say so. But at least in my case, aku betul separuh lah haha sebab cakap yang left side not ballotable :P

The third patient, 

Supervisor: So, what can you see at this lady legs and hands?
Me: Pitting oedema at the legs, and at the hands it... Err err
Supervisor: Muscle atrophy. So, in patient with hypoalbuminimea has "poverty upwards, and prosperity downwards"

The fourth patient,

Supervisor: Percuss this patient abdomen..
Me: (selow melow punya percussion)
Supervisor: It looks like you have never percuss a patient before, Norain..
Me: (maka aku pun berhuhuhuhu)

Moral of this case: Examiner always able to identify students who are used to do physical examination or not. So, practise lagi bohhhh!!

The fifth patient,

Supervisor: Go palpate that lady's neck..
Me: (menurut perintah)
Supervisor: So, tell me your findings?
Me: There are enlarged lymph nodes at the jugular area.. *mukahabeslahaku*
Supervisor: There is supraclavicular lympadenopathy.. Go and feel it again.
Me: Ok..... (Maka aku pun berhuhuhuhu)

Hehs, gitulah ceritanya, inilah ward round paling banyak sekali kena tanya soalan, kena buat examination. Walaupun jawapan semuanya tak perform, tapi still I enjoyed it so much sebab dapat exposure positive clinical signs which is good for short case exam preparation..

Dan antara my supervisor dengan MO dia, pun dia suka tanya soalan jugak, and MO pun bukannya tahu semua, ada jugak bagi silence answer. So, medic ni luas sangat ilmunya, aku rasa dah grad next year nanti, belum tentu terus-terus je jadi hebat untuk rawat patient. Banyak perkara kena lalui. InsyaAllah, dengan ada supervisor yang baik dan suka mengajar, sama ada dengan student atau dengan MO and HO, itu dah cukup baik dalam bidang yang menuntut life long learning process ni.

Tengok MO pulak, nampak memang semua kena tahu every single thing pasal patients, and takde tengok notes sangat pun.. Masa ada kat satu patient, a muslim teenager, MO pun present la kat supervisor, aku control je terkejut bila dia kata patient ada 2 years history of alcohol intake and then stop taking it. Buat muka straight je la, takkan nak buat muka, "Apaaaa?".. Semoga Allah pandu hati pesakit tersebut dan hati hati kita semua ke jalan yang benar...

So, itulah ceritanya. Next week, last! Hehs. Cepatnya masa, maknanya makin cepat nak balik cork, hoho. Kakak aku kata, takpe lah, cepat masa, cepat aku grad.. Tak tahu ke, atmosphere kat Cork tu always stressful, haha. Kalo takde iman, boleh naik gila nak cope pressure. Sobss

Okay people, itu je lah, selamat menjalani ibadah puasa, moga beroleh taqwa hendaknya. Ameen, insyaAllah.


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1 comment:

Ateey said...

weh untung la. supervisor aku batang hidong pon tak nampak haha. *sigh* at the same time happy sbb bleh holiday. but sigh again LOL