Saturday, September 17, 2011

Tak Normal Kalau Tak Homesick =D


Semalam pergi tidur kat rumah senior kat mana entah nama tempat dia. Tujuannya nak tolong senior prepare food for hari ni lah, yakni sambutan raya Persatuan Pelajar Malaysia Cork a.k.a PPMC. Tapi, aku tak tolong sangat pun. Sebab banyak volunteer. Plus, aku kan slow sikit bab-bab masuk dapur. Take note, mak mentua.

Untuk rumah tu, kitorang kena prepare kuah so-on, pastu ada bergedil, puding roti. So, tak tolong sangat pun tidur after semua dah settle. Tak best pulak kan, kalo tidur awal tapi kerja tak buat. So, tidur time semua orang bekerja tidur. Memang menggigil ah tidur kat rumah senior. Rasa macam kena campak kat Alaska!

So, pagi tadi pun siap-siap pergi ke Mini Restaurant UCC Main Campus untuk sambutan raya. And food memang semua sedap gila! Memang pandai ah diorang masak. Seorang member, Arishah masak kuah so-on sedap gila. Tabik lah.

Sangat tabik, sebab dia jenis gaya rock-rock, tapi kat dapur, dialah wirawatinya. Aku yang bajet ayu, masuk dapur terkial-kial, makcik. Duhhh.

Makan malam di rumah senior DNur. Senior masak, memang sedap!

Sambutan raya.

Anak-anak post-graduate students sedang prepare nak nyanyi.

Baby Fariz salah seorang anak post-graduate student. Comel and dia senyum bila aku tunjuk gambar dia sendiri.

Aku rasa ni masjid kot.

Salam perantauan. HAHA.

Just nak letak satu video.

Honestly, aku still homesick lagi. HAHA. Semalam aku ada search jugak lah how to overcome your homesickness.



How to overcome homesickness and stay strong?

I got into medical school and I‘ve moved to the dorm this morning. My parents helped to clean the room and unpack my things and then left. And suddenly I began to cry. I‘ve never cried so much in my life. I feel so homesick and can‘t stop thinking about my family, my dog. My mom called me a few times and asked how I was doing. I know she‘s already worried so I couldn‘t tell her how I feel. Now it‘s late night and I‘m still crying. I don‘t recognize myself anymore. I‘ve never been a cry-baby. I don‘t want to disappoint my family and I don‘t want them to see my weakness. I‘m 18 and supposed to be able to live on my own, but I feel like a little child right now. I even started asking myself I will be strong enough to study medicine. Can anyone suggest me how to get thought this sad period?
By the way I tried to distract myself with movies, music, friends but everything reminds me of home and brings tears to my eyes :(




Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

Everybody feels homesick sometimes. It's natural. But just think, your home will always be there for you. Right now its time to start YOUR life, you have to do this now or later, its hard but this is the start of your future.

Have motivation, you said you're studying medicine? This is just the beginning but you have a long way to go. Even though sometimes you'll feel like giving up, backing out and leaving. Just think about how much this will pay off in the future. Your parents will be so proud of you. Think of your dream and motivation, why are you doing this and why do you have to do this. This is your life and life isn't easy.

And its ok to cry, so many people are feeling what you're feeling right now. Everyone has to face this sometime. Cry it out and just relax and stop thinking about everything. Everything will get better I promise.

Your family will always be there and support you.

I hope things get better, don't worry you will be able to see them on holidays and stuff!

Good luck :)


Aku actually bukan rindu family ke rumah ke apa ke sangat, cuma, bila kau teringat family, automatically, macam tong air mata melimpah tau. So, anyone care to explain about my problemo?

Okey lah, chow dulu. Babai.


AreHadi82 said...

Haaa, see, normal to homesick...
But later, dah kurang2 skit kot...
Not to worry so much, kita kan leh skype...
Jgn sampai ganggu pelajaran...
Mak ayah sure happy kalo ko ok di sana... Tak senang ati mak ayah ko homesick kat sana...
Be strong AIn...
bERPIJAK DI bumi yg nyata skrg.. :-)
I luv u...

p/s: dah lama tul aku tak sebut ILU ni... ehehhe... special dedicated to u...

minye said...

hahaha.. aku mmg memahami perasaan. aku taw bile ko balik taiping, ko mesti homesick punye. tp hmesick ko x lame. sekejap jer.but anyway, it's normal that ko homesick. sometimes it's normal to be homesick but not always. bile ko da lame2 dkt cork tu nanti, ko akan ok punye. no more homesick. baru berapa hari je ko kat sane. lame2 ko akan ok. mcm ko kat taiping dulu.. chill!! =D

minye said...

hahaha.. aku mmg memahami perasaan. aku taw bile ko balik taiping, ko mesti homesick punye. tp hmesick ko x lame. sekejap jer.but anyway, it's normal that ko homesick. sometimes it's normal to be homesick but not always. bile ko da lame2 dkt cork tu nanti, ko akan ok punye. no more homesick. baru berapa hari je ko kat sane. lame2 ko akan ok. mcm ko kat taiping dulu.. chill!! =D

Anonymous said...

weh ain..ko bukan da training 2 taun kt taiping, 1 1/2 kt ky..still home sick ka??...ala dun worry biasa la tu...pas ni oknyer...maybe u need to paste yr mission why r u there kt atas katil, u look at it everyday..sembhyg jgn tinggal...doa bebanyak...:)

da..jgn nak sedey2 plak....

nanti aku nk kim fridge magnet tau..huahahaha

Norain Ishak said...

angah, aku okey.tak homesick dah kot.

minye, haha.tau takpe min.,

anon, eh kau ah fong eh.

Anonymous said...

klu anon tu...aku ler tu..-alongmu-..huahhaha