Saturday, April 24, 2010

macamana mimpi terjadi

salam...kenapa mimpi?..hari ni saya nak tulis entri berkenaan mimpi dan juga mungkin mahu mencipta teori sendiri..oh, ada berbunyi merepek di situ yer..hahaha..!sekali sekala merepek, tak mengapa, bukan?..

saya takde lah selalu sangat bermimpi...kalo tidur kat umah, memang tiap-tiap malam mimpi kot..cuma tidur kat ky ni, susah mimpi nak terjadi..huahua!, macam mana mimpi boleh terjadi?...lalu saya gunakan google untuk mendapat jawapannya...

sedapnye pakcik ni tido..

" A dream is basically your brain working all on its own. While you're sleeping most of your consciousness turns off. So images from memory and events you have thought up or experienced will start forming together on their own. They work off of what your brain has thought about a lot. People say if you think of something hard right before you drift off, you'll dream about it because that's the freshest things your brain has to work off of. " - Lina Doll

" There are several theories about how dreams happen, each from a different perspective of psychology. A biological perspective often suggests that dreams are just random firings of the neurons (cells in the brain), and that dreams are our brain's way of trying to make sense of these random signals. Other perspectives, like Sigmund Freud's Psychoanalytic perspective, suggest that dreams are not random, and that the images we experience do in fact hold meaning in our lives. You can buy dream dictionaries or read up more on that all over the internet to find out what your dreams might mean according to these views. " -Eric

" It is now generally accepted in the scientific community that dreams are simply sub-conscious glimpses we have of our own brains doing their filing. This is when the brain organizes, sorts, and files away all the sensory memories we have accumulated in the past together with all the new sensory memories we have recently acquired while awake. " - Doshiealan

mimpi andakah..?

so, macam mana? puas hati dengan explaination mereka?, macam tu lah mimpi terjadi..okey, aku punya teori entah apa-apa entah adalah, cuaca tempat kita mempengaruhi suasana dalam mimpi kita..hahah! serius, waktu ky tengah hujan, aku pun menidurkan diri..dan bermimpi..dalam mimpi aku tu siap dengan hujan lebat dengan kilat sekali..!betul, tak tipu..pastu, de second time, ky tengah hujan jugak..dalam mimpi tu, aku and beberapa watak dalam mimpi tu pergi taman tema air dan suasananya hujan jugak.....

jadi, ain said that " the suasana of ur mimpi is influenced by suasana tempat tidur anda.."huahua! far, itulah teori yang aku ada..hehe..aku akan cuba buat research lagi pasal mimpi ni dalam mimpi seterusnya..haha...

okey lah, itu je aku nak merepek hari ni..selamat bermimpi..!salam...

p/s-mimpi bukan mainan tidur, tapi mainan minda..


budakhitam said...

time mimpi, mata hitam kita bergerak pantas di bawah kelopak mata.. mimpi terjadi dalam 'deep sleep'..fasa tidur yang keempat..=)

Drunbella Khoo said...

i mimpi tiap2 hari.
kekadang ingat kekadang lupa.

Norain Ishak said...

@budak hitam- terima kasih sebab share info ok..!
@cikpuandrunbella-haha..mimpi terjadi waktu kita tak sedar,jadi memanag senang nak lupa..

Hanis Amanina said...

aku selalu mimpi aku jatuh tangga. pastu memang betul kaki aku bergerak2. mungkin tergolek2 kot. haha

Norain Ishak said...

@hanisamanina-haha.itu memang slalu terjadi kan..tapi org kata,mimpi jatuh ni sebab gangguan setan..jd basuh kaki sblom tido..

Hanis Amanina said...

owh yeahhh? thanks for the info. :)