Tuesday, November 1, 2011

ILY Focus


Please forgive me ya Allah.

Aku tak tahu ahh, hari ni rasa macam, a bad day. Not really bad. But, hati aku rasa macam tak cool and tak chill. Aku rasa blur hari ni. Pergi kelas praktikal anatomy and then bila nak jawab soalan kat work station formative exam, aku macammm, err apa nama muscle niiiieeee?? Cupp ini extensor ke flexor. And thenn ni medial compartment punya muscle ke, ehh posterior punya department.

Terasa knowledge dalam anatomy for lower limb sangat scattered now. Macam fokus hilang entah mana entah. Eh come on fokus, come back to me. I need you and of course i love you lahhh.

Err aku rasa aku dah mula rasa pressure kot. Anatomy banyak gila nak kena memorise. Physio dengan biochem tak habis study lagi. Pastu clinical practise yang kadang macam err what whatt. I have to relax my mind, for a while. Take a deep breath and lepasss.

Continuouse assesment minggu depan. And i forgot the name of that tibialis anterior muscle that i have just learnt about it last week!! Shame on my self.

Tadi terus bukak facebook, and i saw erna's status,

"And when My servants ask you, (O Muhammad), concerning Me - indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me (by obedience) and believe in Me that they may be (rightly) guided." [2:186]

Why worry when you can pray? (:

And i should smile. Takde benda sangat pun nak dipressurekan. Study je lah and tawakal. Sebab kebolehan kita nak jawab exam itu bukan semata datang dari usaha kita, tapi sebab Allah mudahkan kita jawab kann.

So, ain, sila chill and cool macam biasa. Work hard, pray hard. Follow mr vroege advise, sleep well and eat well. Ahhh rindu mr vroegeee, my bio teacher in ky. Before musim exam, itulah advise yang dia bagi.

Alright people, thanks for listeningg,, err thanks for reading i should sayy. Wassalam.


Hanis Amanina said...

i think i overslept :(

Norain Ishak said...

Hahaha. Dah malam panjang kot.