Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Banyak Benor Lah Prosedurnya Nak Pergi Gabus Punya Uni Nie [ Edisi Emosi Kurang Stabil ]


Aku patut tidur sekarang. Pukul 7.00 pagi kang ikut angah pergi teman ayah kat ppum. Tapi mata berdegil. Begitu juga hati. Semua pasal wang. WANGGG! Kalau lah WANG itu umpama dedaun yang berguguran ketika musim luruh, aku dah membuta dengan lenanya. Zzzzzzzzz...

Tapi sebab wang itu bukan daun, aku rasa sat gi aku tidur pun mesti termimpi-mimpi matawang euro. Duhhh!

Okeylah. Nak buat serba sedikit rentetan setelah mendapat tahu bahawa aku dapat Cork.

Apply accomodation UCC, ingat apply je pastu sampai sana baru kena bayar, tup-tup depa mintak deposit 250 euro. Kalau tak bayar in 24 hours, booking cancel and kalau booking aku cancel, aku pergi tidur dekat rumput hijau kat depan bangunan lama UCC tuh lah kot. So, terbangkan lah duit 250 euro ituuu.

Oh bukan itu je. UCC siap bagi form medical report. Padahal baru je pergi buat mara medical report. Pergi ulang alik klinik hospital bagai. Memang best lah kan. Macam aku ada driver je kan. Tak pasal-pasal ayah berhempas pulas nak hantar aku ke sana ke mari. Chupp, yang aku tak bawak kereta apsal? Sebab aku tak berani bawak manual kat jalan busy, sekian terima kasih. 

Pastu bank draft ke health student department UCC, 225 euro. Again, aku memang kaya!
Haduhaaii. Mengeluh je. Tak baik ain. Redha je lah. Kena pergi hantar pulak borang UCC kat ofis iumc kat ampang tu. Again, macam aku ada driver je kan? Duhhh. And paling tak boleh blah, the evening after aku pergi ampang, petang tu depa hantar emel suruh aku hantar financial affidavit. Pandai lah! Macam minyak kereta tu free je kan. Air pun kena bayar tau brooo unless kau duduk selangor and bil air less than rm20 then gomen selangor bagi free! Kalau anak menteri, maybe lah minyak free. Eh ye ke? Entah, aku bukan anak menteri.

Tak habis lagi nak cerita broo. Emel pulak. Macam-macam lahh. UCC suruh buat e-induction lah. Nak kena baca apa benda entah aku scan je, jawab-jawan soalan sikit, nasib baik betul. Pastu kena register online part 1 lah. Print itu lah, lease agreeement accomodation lah, infectious disease health screening lah. Banyak benor prosedurnya nak masuk UCC ni. Bukan banyak prosedur je, kena banyak duit jugak bro.

Yang buat aku rasa sengal tu, accomodation UCC tetiba pulak suh bayar 3000++ euro untuk full year payment. Aku pulak sangatlah pandai dan bijaksana kan. Masa booking tulis nak buat 1 payment. Padahal budak kmb lain ramai letak 3 payment. Yeah, memang aku kayaaa! Dah tu kena bayar before nak masuk residency diorang. Bijak. Mara pun tak inform betul-betul kat kitorang duit keluar bila. Ada kata esok. Duhhh. 

So, so far, itulah prosedurnya. Kalau esok dapat cheque ke duit hape ke, esok lah peningkan kepala buat calculation semua. Nanti lah aku cerita. Dah bye, wassalam. 

UPDATE : Dear MARA applicant,

We look forward to welcoming you to UCC Castlewhite Apartments!

Many of you have been enquiring about how and when to pay. We have been informed recently that the payment system has changed and that you will receive your grant directly from MARA. MARA have undertaken to guarantee your contract and any monies owed. You are legally contracted to stay in your accommodation from your arrival until Monday 4th June 2012.

Due to our long standing relationship with MARA we have agreed to allow you pay on arrival. You can pay all your rent and utilities in one transaction if you wish. The alternative is to pay in three instalments. The minimum we will require is the first rent payment and the electricity deposit. If the booking deposit has not been paid online we will also require it on arrival.

The due date for the second instalment of rent is Friday 18th November 2011 and Friday 17th February 2012 for the third instalment.

We do not accept cash at reception due to the increased security risk so you will have to open an Irish bank account on arrival and either do a wire transfer for the monies owed or get a bank draft for the amount. Alternatively you may pay by credit card if that facility is avilable to you.

With best wishes,

Ms. Verdi Ahern
Academic Year Services Manager
Head Office
UCC Campus Accommodation
University Hall
Victoria Cross

p/s-Currency skang tak silap, 1 euro equal to rm4.28


AreHadi82 said...

Ko email la org UCC, kata nak buat 3 payment..
Boleh adjust tuh..
aku kat UM ni, biasa buat adjust2 ni...
try tanya..

eju said...


pnb dah la x masok2 duit lagi, kena bayar itu ini,deposit bilik, visa, beribu hinggit, ulang alik kl, bapak eden dah la tak keje.duit minyak kete lagi, kena mintak tolong bapak/abang bawak kete lagi.


latifah said...

i feel u bro!!!!!!!!!! sbr la weh...doa byk2 semoga semua urusan kte dipermudahkan Allah dunia dan akhirat! =)

Norain Ishak said...

angah, dalam proses~~

eju and tipah,, haha sama2 lah sabar.maybe ini baru cabaran kecil je dalam kehidupan kita ni kan..