(..a whole new world is waiting, it is mine for the taking, I know I can make it..)
Assalamualaikum dan salam Jumaat..
Kalau semalam dah tulis review untuk budak2 first year yang bakal melangkah naik ke second year insyaAllah, now my turn pulak untuk plan my summer holidays dengan lebih seriusss to prepare myself as a future 3rd year student, insyaAllah.
So, hari tu plan untuk baca buku luar akademik kan, jadi aku pilih 3 buah buku je. (Eee 3 buah buku je, aim high lah sikit!). Eh suka hati lah. Yang penting penghayatan terhadap contents buku tu. Jadi tiga buku(pdf version) tersebut ialah:
1. Seerah Nabawiyah al-Raheeq al-Makhtum oleh Syeikh Safy al-Rahman al-Mubarakfuriyy (470 pages)
2. Asas-asas Islam oleh Abu’l A’la Al-Maududi (66 pages)
3. Hadis 40 Imam Nawawi (55 pages)
And then untuk prepare myself for hospital rotation, I guess kena polish my English in term of speaking and listening skills. Jadi, I have decided for like 3 times in a week, untuk baca something about current medical issues and then try untuk talk about that issues in front of the mirror or ipad cam haha. Ye lahh no one at home except my parents and I dont think they are interested nak dengar haha. In term of listening skills, kena tengok cerita or documentary in English yang takde subtitle, so that nak kasi telinga ni tune sikit and train brain untuk cepat pick-up sikit.
In term of academic, haha, I guess I have to review back all the systems (anatomy and physiology especially) that I have learnt before. And the best part sekali, I didnt bring any book back home, so google je laaa, hoho.
1. Musculoskeletal system
2. Cardiovascular system
3. Respiratory system
4. Gastrointestinal system
5. Neuroscience
6. Bone
7. Renal system
8. Reproductive system
9. Nervous system
Ada lagi ker..? Hoho banyak lupa sudaa.
And then for sure kena review balik Pathology(40 topik) and Pharmacology(16 topik) OMG banyak nyaaa, hahah (gelak sinis). Sebab tu tak berani nak target baca buku bukan akademik banyak-banyak.
Besides that, kena fikir untuk sambutan pelajar baru jugak because I'm the person in charge, ohohohooo, ya Allah permudahkanlah..
Jadi, lepas ni, nak kena slotkan setiap hari dengan perkara berfaedah. So there will be less time for me to watch drama. Lol. Dah dah cukup seminggu lah asyik duk depan TV. Kena serius dengan hal dunia untuk ke akhirat. Bukan nak kata drama tak baik, ada je mesej yang boleh diambik, tapi jangan jadikan drama tu sebagai keutamaan pula. Hoho.
Going back to cork on 24th August, class start at 26th August insyaAllah! 70 days to go!!! Huhuhuuuuuuuu~~~
Sekian, mohon doanya sahabat!
(...Life's to short to have regrets, so I'm learning now to leave it in the past and try to forget, we only have TWO life to live, so you better make the best of it...)
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